Two entire weeks of calligraphy writing/putting cards together with magnets/licking envelopes has finally come to an end! Now it's on to the post office to find out how much one of these little babies weigh!
While I am on the topic of the post office, I have been thinking quite a bit about going through the trouble of hand cancelling not only our saves, but also the invitations. Some of you may ask, what is hand cancelling? "Cancelling" is all the wavy lines the post office puts through a stamp, to tell that it has been previously used. Machine cancelling runs the mail through a machine, which may cause damage to precious invites (and magnets!), whereas hand cancelling is supposed to cut out the machine.
Here is a visual difference (the machine cancelled one is on the top):
I don't notice too much of a difference, with the exception of the bar code on the bottom.
I have heard from other brides that some postal workers are not the most willing to put forth the extra effort to hand stamp 100 invites for you. It is after all, quite the time consuming process. However, I also heard that if you take your invites during slow times (such as 2pm on a Tuesday afternoon) that they are much more accomodating.
It all depends how detail-oriented you are as a bride. Would you notice the bar code on the bottom of an invitation that reached your door, or would you simply tear open the envelope and throw it away without looking at it all?
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